Voice announcement systems

Whether it is on airports, in hotels, shopping malls or retirement homes, physical structures where large number of people stay or pass, are becoming increasingly complex. Together with increase of risk for visitors of these facilities, the awareness of need for even better protection of human life raise in the recent years. While in the past focus was usually on the protection of property because of its insurance, nowadays almost all, and in particular civil engineering laws, have references to requirement for alerting and informing people, depending on the level of the danger inside the facility.

New DIN VDE 0833-4 standard made an important contribution to improvement of these laws. This new standard emphasizes, clearer than ever, requirement to connect sound alert and fire detection systems and contains clear guidelines pertaining to alarm and signaling devices controlled by fire detection systems. Architects, consultants and contractors that install voice alarm systems now have access to reliable guidelines that describe criteria for installation and acceptance of these systems.

Given that equipment made by Esser by Honeywell company has all the necessary certificates that confirm quality of products, we have decided to use this equipment.
Fire detection and evacuation systems technology is going to develop in the future. Ability to interconnect fire detection and sound alarm systems offers decisive advantage over the solutions from the past.

When interconnected with fire detection systems, voice alarm systems issue direct directions for proper actions in case of fire. This is done using pre-recorded voice messages and ensures that people inside the facility are informed in a timely manner, and evacuated quickly and according to regulations. In normal conditions, these installations can be used to play background music, directed dissemination of information or for various announcements in the facility.

Even in areas with high security requirements, such as hospitals and retirement homes, these systems can be used in variety of manners: they do not only convey voice directions for evacuation, but they deliver informational messages for patients, or background music. In combination with hospital signalization systems, they can pass alarm messages from voice alarm system directly onto info-displays and hospital signalization terminals.

Contemporary voice alarm systems are usually digital, and comprised of the following elements: analog and digital power amplifiers, digital management modules, digital caller stations with microphone and necessary number of programmable dials, interfaces, various communication units, various types of loudspeakers, self-standing cabinets, uninterruptable power supply units build in accordance to EN54-4 norm etc.

